SHIMA SEIKI provides comprehensive training programs at its Total Design Center,
where professional trainers support the needs of individual customers.
Our Total Design Center features a specialized training facility that provides a relaxed atmosphere where students can concentrate on their training. Students are free to use the latest apparel design systems and computerized knitting machines. The Total Design Center is also equipped with a knit sample showroom where students can check SHIMA SEIKI's latest samples and fashion trend information.
From beginner to advanced, a variety of training courses are available to support each student's training needs according to their level of expertise. Original SHIMA SEIKI training materials using visual aids and videos help students deepen their understanding of our products. Training is available in English, Italian, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese.
Over the past decade, more than 5,000 customers have taken our training courses. Professional instructors take on the responsibility of helping students master SHIMA SEIKI hardware, software, and know-how, so students can take advantage of our products to the highest degree possible.
The SHIMA SEIKI training staff welcomes students with an unmatched spirit of hospitality.
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