
WHOLEGARMENT cooling vest

WHOLEGARMENT cooling vest

A WHOLEGARMENT vest that features knitted-in pipes running throughout the garment to send liquid to all portions of the upper body for cooling purposes. There are high expectations for its use in professions that require temperature regulation such as fire-fighting.

Product: Cooling by Space Technology; Gilet-Style Cooling Underwear.
Planning: Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Nippon Uniform Center
Manufacturing and Marketing: Teikoku Sen-i Co., Ltd.

Knitted CFRP turbine blade

Knitted CFRP turbine blade

A knitted CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) turbine blade for jet engines.

Joint development: Ryukoku University; I.S.T. Corporation
Cooperation: JAXA



The aerospace industry can also benefit from seam-free WHOLEGARMENT tubular harnesses and shields.

Seat cover

Seat cover

A car seat cover where the strength can be adjusted. By using monofilament, the strength is enhanced with thermal processing.


SHIMA Datamall

SHIMA Datamall contains more than 6,000 original knit samples. Additional samples are added each month to help users in product planning. Knitting data is available for purchase as well.

We can tailor solutions to fit each customer's requirements.
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