Ever Onward
- Limitless Progress -
We strive to become an indispensable company to society through sustainable business development.
We do this under the motto of “Ever Onward” with "Love," "Creativity," and "Passion" as our mantra.
SHIMA SEIKI Group Code of Conduct
The SHIMA SEIKI Group Code of Conduct presents guidelines, shaped around our corporate motto, for conduct to be followed by all SHIMA SEIKI Group officers and employees in order to contribute to society through its business activities.
SHIMA SEIKI Group Code of Conduct
- General Rules
Corporate Conduct Based on the Corporate Philosophy
We strive to become an indispensable company to society through sustainable business development. We do this under the motto of “Ever Onward” with "Love," "Creativity," and "Passion" as our mantra.
We contribute to society through our creative craftsmanship, which is friendly to both people and the environment. We strive to contribute to society through love for our work, people, country, community and the earth.
We aim to create world's firsts through our finely honed sensitivity and sense of creativity.
We tackle new challenges with passion and chart our own future course by putting our all into our products and services.
Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Corporate Ethics
As a member of the SHIMA SEIKI Group (the “Group”), and as a member of society, each of us will act in a sensible manner with the highest ethical standards.
In case of any act in violation of laws, regulations or corporate ethics, we will promptly respond to it and correct it, and take the appropriate measures to prevent its recurrence.
In conducting business activities in various countries or regions, we will respect the cultures, customs and other aspects of the relevant countries or regions, and comply with applicable local laws and regulations as well as social norms. Each of us will avoid any lack of transparency and act in a fair and sound manner as a member of the Group, which is always trusted by the society. If the appropriate means to protect the environment or society have not yet been addressed by law or through the enforcement thereof in the relevant country or region, we will strive to at least respect international norms of conduct. In a country where any of its national or local laws, or the enforcement thereof, is contrary to international norms of conduct, we will still strive to respect international norms of conduct to the utmost extent.
Corporate Conduct Based on the Corporate Philosophy
- Chapter 1. Business Activities
Development of Products with the Most Advanced Technologies
Aiming to grow with our customers, and based on the fundamental principle “that seeks to develop products with the most advanced technologies and offer them at the most affordable prices” through creativity and ingenuity, we will contribute to the development of the user industry through continuous efforts to create original products that anticipate customers’ needs.
Assurance of Product Safety
We will pay full attention throughout all of our business activities, including the development, manufacture and sales activities, to provide products and services that give full consid
Fair Public Relations Activities
We will provide accurate and fact-based information in our public relations activities to avoid causing any misunderstanding among our stakeholders such as customers, business partners, shareholders, government agencies, local communities, employees, etc.
Fair Transactions with Suppliers
We will treat suppliers of materials and services in an equal and fair manner in activities to procure such materials and services, and always carry out sound and transparent transactions with such suppliers by complying with laws and social norms on fair and proper transactions with cooperative companies while giving consideration to the environment and human rights.
Promotion of Fair and Free Trade
We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and rules on fair competition and fair trade, and provide customers with products and services developed with the most advanced technologies at a fair price, through a fair and free market competition.
Promotion of Proper Import and Export Transactions
We will comply with applicable trade laws and regulations, and carry out the appropriate customs clearance procedures for import and export. Especially, with respect to national security, we will carry out a strict export control.
Appropriate Accounting Practice
We will comply with applicable laws, regulations and internal rules on corporate accounting, and properly and promptly implement accounting procedures and make accounting reports, thereby striving to enhance the transparency of management, and ensure the reliability of financial reports.
Protection of Intellectual Property, etc.
We will always be mindful of the fact that for the Group, which makes creation of unique technological developments as its principle, intellectual property rights are the main source of creating corporate value, and hence, we will strive for the proper protection and effective use of intellectual property rights.
Prohibition of Insider Trading
We will not unfairly trade stocks or other marketable securities by using non-public inside information of the Group or other companies that we have come to know in the course of the performance of our duties, before such information is publicly disclosed (insider trading).
Development of Products with the Most Advanced Technologies
- Chapter 2. Relations between the Company and Society
Contribution to Society
We will develop business activities beneficial for the society, including the development of useful products, and proactively promote corporate social responsibility activities or other related activities as a corporate citizen of society.
Information Disclosure
To achieve the proper understanding and trust of shareholders, investors, customers, local communities, etc., we will strive to disclose information in a fair, timely, appropriate and continuous manner with respect to business conditions or general corporate activities.
Initiatives for Global Environmental Protection
In order to protect the global environment, we will comply with environmental laws and regulations, actively promote environmentally friendly business activities, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Relations with the Government and Public Agencies
In relation to domestic and foreign politics and administration, we will comply with the relevant laws and regulations of each country and region, maintain sound and proper relationships, always increase transparency, and do not act in a way that is misleading.
Firm Attitude against Anti-Social Forces
We will take a firm attitude against anti-social forces and groups that threaten public order and safety, and eliminate any relations with them.
Contribution to Society
- Chapter 3. Relations between the Company and the Employees
Respect for Human Rights and Creating a Comfortable Working Environment
We will respect basic human rights and diversity, and strive to maintain a healthy working environment without discrimination or harassment based on nationality, race, beliefs, religion, gender, age, disability, social status, or any other improper treatment.
Prohibition of Various Types of Harassment
To secure and maintain a healthy workplace environment, we will not commit any act of sexual harassment such as unwanted or unwelcome sexual language or conduct offensive to other persons. In addition, we will not commit any act of power harassment by taking advantage of our authority in the workplace such as making the work environment of a co-worker difficult or causing a co-worker employment anxiety by constant language or conduct that denies the integrity and dignity of such co-worker and goes beyond the appropriate scope of work.
In addition, we will not engage in any other acts of harassment such as moral harassment.
Protection of Privacy
We will respect the privacy of individuals. We will handle personal information discreetly and manage it strictly.
Compliance with Employment Rules, etc.
We will comply with the Employment Rules and other internal rules.
Maintenance and Securing of Safe Workplace Environment
We will comply with laws, regulations and other rules on workplace safety and health, take the appropriate measures for security and disaster prevention at the workplace, and thereby maintain and ensure a safe and comfortable workplace environment.
Prohibition of Acts that Involve Conflicts of Interest
We will not commit any act that conflicts with the interests of the Group (act involving a conflict of interest) without obtaining the required approval through the appropriate procedure.
Respect for Human Rights and Creating a Comfortable Working Environment
- Chapter 4. Relations with Company Assets
Management of Confidential Information
We will appropriately manage and use the confidential information of the Group and prevent the external leakage thereof.
Appropriate Use and Management of Company Assets
We will appropriately and efficiently use and manage the company assets, whether tangible or intangible, and will not use the company assets for any purpose other than the performance of our duties.
Appropriate Use of Information Systems
We will make use of the information systems of the company as beneficial tools to enhance operational efficiency.
Management of Confidential Information
- Chapter 5. Other Provisions
Scope of Application
This Code of Conduct applies to all officers and employees of the SHIMA SEIKI Group. SHIMA SEIKI MFG., LTD. and its subsidiaries shall promptly adopt this SHIMA SEIKI Group Code of Conduct (including its amendments (if any)) as their own code of conduct at their respective decision making bodies such as boards of directors, and take the appropriate steps to ensure that it is read and understood by all of their respective officers and employees. Each company may amend or add provisions to this Code of Conduct to reflect the requirements of local laws and regulations or social customs in the relevant country or region, or the characteristics of its business operations, as necessary. However, no amendment or addition may contradict this Code of Conduct or be contrary to the effect thereof.
Scope of Application
(Supplementary provisions)
- Enforced on September 15, 2006
- Revised on July 18, 2008
- Revised on September 18, 2015
- Revised on March 1, 2021
- Revised on February 1, 2022