Encouraging abundant creativity

Social Contribution Activities
As a corporate citizen of society, the SHIMA SEIKI Group actively promotes activities such as social contribution activities and supports business activities that are beneficial to society, such as developing useful products. By promoting activities in various fields, we aim to become "a company that is indispensable to the world" by opening up social difficulties.
Cultural and Educational Activities
Establishment of a Museum

Participation in an industry-university cooperation project

Agreement adjustment formula with Wakayama University in 2017
Human resources development aiming for the revitalization of industries in Wakayama
For the goal of supporting young people who intend to start a business in Wakayama prefecture, we concluded an agreement on industry-university cooperation to support Wakayama University and the students' practical training in 2017.
Accepting Student Work Experience

Employment experience through internships
Promoting youth the motivation to work
As part of community contribution, we accept internships for junior high school, high school, and university students. We aim to improve students' motivation to work and provide opportunities for employment experiences at various sites.
Supporting Overseas Educational Institutions

Training engineers in a global service system
As our company has a high percentage of overseas sales, we support the training of overseas engineers. We have established educational institutions for training engineers in major countries of overseas sales of our products such as the SHIMA SEIKI R&D CENTER at Shanghai University.
Sponsorship of Cultural Promotion

Stage curtain at Wakayama-Jo Hall
Contribute to the development of local culture
We are contributing to the development of local culture and art by donating stage curtains with original designs that reflect the thoughts of the local community to the Wakayama-Jo Hall, which was built when SHIMASEIKI celebrates its 60th anniversary.
Introducing Food Culture

Introducing "food" culture to Wakayama
When we consider the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing, as a flat knitting machine manufacturer, we have contributed to society in the field of "clothing." In addition, we aim to expand to the field of "food," by enriching people's hearts and spreading the appeals of food culture to Wakayama.
Local Community Initiatives
Aesthetic City Planning/Volunteer Clean-Up Activities

Volunteer clean-up activities in 2019
Interaction with Local Communities
We are focusing on improving the surrounding environment, such as making the electrical wire of the road around the headquarters underground and providing part of the site as a sidewalk for pedestrian safety.
Also, with the aim of raising awareness for environmental protection, employees volunteer to participate in organized clean-ups around Wakayama City to keep local historic sites clean.
Forest conservation activities

Activities in "SHIMA SEIKI Amano Community Forest"
Foster a local natural environment
From December 2019, we are participating in the "Corporate Forest" project in Wakayama Prefecture, which carries out forest maintenance with the support of companies and organizations. The forest in Katsuragi Town, Wakayama Prefecture, was named "SHIMA SEIKI Amano Community Forest" and has been engaged in forest conservation activities for 10 years, including planting and thinning, to raise employees' awareness of environmental conservation by participating in the activities.
Disaster Relief Activities

Supporting reconstruction in areas affected by natural disasters
The reconstruction of disaster areas
For areas damaged by natural disasters such as earthquakes, heavy rain, and typhoons, we organize various activities to support reconstruction. In the event of a major disaster, we are working to support reconstruction through the supply of donations, supplies, and volunteer activities. Inside the company, we also set up a donation box to deliver the kindness of each employee to the disaster areas.
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