―KNITifying the world―
A new solution proposed by SHIMA SEIKI
―KNITifying the world―
A new solution proposed by SHIMA SEIKI
SHIMA SEIKI leads the world's flat knitting industry with a rich history of technological innovation.
Having invented the world's first Digital Stitch Control System and seam-free WHOLEGARMENT knitting,
we are also known as an industry pioneer.
Now, with original hardware, software and research in new materials, we enter the field of technical textiles.
With "KNITify the World" as our theme, we propose knitting as an alternative manufacturing solution:
What could not be knit in the past can now not only be knit; it can be made to perform even better.
With core technology based on knitting and other textiles, we continue to offer innovative solutions only we can provide.
Clothing has traditionally been divided into two general categories: wovens and knits. Knits are known for their stretch characteristics, and with flat knitting’s unique shaping capabilities, items can be shaped-to-fit.
This fitment is considered especially suited to industrial applications concerning wearable technology, and elastic knitwear and compression garments have become the focal point for safety, protection, sports and healthcare.
SHIMA SEIKI is involved in many joint projects in the automotive and aerospace sectors that require constant development and application of new materials.
Qualities such as strength, light weight, flexibility and durability are maximized in the development of knitted products, while NC cutting machines offer precision cutting of various materials.
Since its founding, SHIMA SEIKI has always strived to provide “world’s first” technology. Nowadays, that pioneering spirit is not only nurtured within the company, but is also shared with other companies and academic institutions through a number of joint projects.
We can tailor solutions to fit each customer's requirements.
Please feel free to contact us.